HeatpumpMonitor.org is an OpenEnergyMonitor open source community initiative to share and compare real-world heat pump performance data.
As of March 2025 there are 422 heat pump systems uploading data to the site, including systems installed by some of the best heat pump engineers in the UK.
The site is a useful peer-to-peer learning resource used by both customers and installers wishing to understand how to design, install and optimise heat pumps for high performance and low running costs.
Systems marked with 'MID' use billing grade MID approved Class 1 electricity metering and Class 2 heat metering equipment. These are the same meters used by RHI and other heat pump monitoring trials.
The Hx boundary i.e what's included in the monitoring is stated next to each system. The Hx boundaries are defined as follows*:
*These ‘boundaries’ have been defined by ‘SEPEMO’ (Seasonal Performance factor and Monitoring) for heat pump systems projects as recorded by the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA).
Unless otherwise stated the COP and SPF/SCOP figures on the site include combined space heating and DHW, some systems equipped with a DHW status sensor report a separate DHW only COP.
The majority of systems are monitored using the OpenEnergyMonitor Level 3 Monitoring Bundle, which provides 10s datalogging granularity.
The data on this site is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The source code for the HeatpumpMonitor.org website itself is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.